Marriott Harbor Beach Resort, Thursday, April 23, 2015 (immediately following 5:30 p.m. Red Mass at St. Anthony
7:00 p.m. : Open Bar Reception with complimentary hors
8:00 p.m. : Dinner
Our most distinguished dinner speaker
will be Archbishop
Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services USA.
The Archbishop Edward A. McCarthy Award recognizing
each year an individual who typifies the moral principles of St.
Thomas More will be awarded posthumously to the lateHon. Susan Aramony, Circuit Court Judge,
17th Judicial Circuit
Send reservation
requests with names of attendees and check payable to "St. Thomas
More Society of South Florida" for $125.00 per person to:
Tordella, Treasurer St. Thomas
More Society of South Florida 1995 East
Oakland Park Boulevard, Suite 300 Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33308 Tel: (954)
565-2550 Email: